Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (Main stage)
composer: Karol Szymanowski
director: Kasper Holton // designer: Steffen Aarfing // lighting design: Jon Clark // projection design: Luke Halls

Winner of Green Room Award Australia for Best Lighting Design of an Opera 

Steffen Aarfing’s set, with exceptional lighting by Jon Clark and choreography (a discreetly effective orgy) by Cathy Marston, is both functional and visually arresting. Fiona Maddocks The Observer 2015-05-10

With his designers, Steffen Aarfing (set and costumes), Jon Clark (lighting) and Luke Halls (video), Holten creates a striking visual framework for this not-quite masterpiece... Anna Picard The Sunday Times 2015-05-10

"...powerfully lit by Jon Clark and with some superbly restrained video work from Luke Halls..." Mark Valencia 2015-05-01


photos: Bill Cooper